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the Pointe of my life

a few of my favorite ballet jokes

Q: What's the difference between a ballet dancer and a pit bull?

A: The jewelry.


Q: How many ballet dancers does it take to change a light-bulb?

Answer 1: One. She holds the light-bulb and the world revolves around her.

Answer 2: Two. One to hold her diet cola, and the other to get her accompanist to do it.

Answer 3: As if she would demean herself that way!

Answer 4: None. It's not in her contract.


Q: What's the difference between a ballet dancer and a terrorist?

A: You can negotiate with a terrorist.


Discussing a soon-to-retire danseur's plans to attend culinary school to become a chef, one his colleagues remarked: "He should do fine -- as long as the recipe never calls for more than eight cups of anything!"


Chided from the balcony during a rehearsal for always seeming to be slightly ahead of the music, a college student/dancer calmly replied: "Well, I can't help it that light travels faster than sound."


Trying to understand the plot of The Nutcracker, a very sophisticated little girl asked: "But isn't Clara sort of young to be getting kitchen appliances as Christmas presents?"

Have a funny ballet joke?  send it to me! mailto:karleanne@earthlink.net  Oh, and if you non-dancers don't get the jokes, it's okay.  These are mostly for the dancers...